Too Busy?

I was getting ready to write up this post, and was thinking about how busy, and rushed we’ve been, and I stopped in my tracks when I realized that, that is seriously ALL I ever blog about!  Like no one knows that…. or even really cares!  I mean really did you really come here to read all about how busy I am?  Are you really surprised to learn that we stay busy all the time? Are you new here?

I started to think about all the times how busy we all are, and/or how tired we always are comes up in our daily conversations.  I know for me it’s a pretty common topic of discussion. I think it’s for a couple of reasons.

1) It’s true, and we are just talking the truth.
2) Lack of real, in depth topics to engage in.
3) We feel like martyrs. Like we need a crown or a trophy in honor of how busy we stay all the time. And heaven forbid someone not acknowledge how busy we are!

I certainly hope I DON’T fall into the 3rd category!  In all truth, I think a lot of the time I fall into the second, though.

Of all the things that are on our list…
-Soccer and soccer practice 4 times a week
-Church (that includes prep for my Sunday School class)
-Youth group events
-School events
-Class at CWI for me
-Daily chores, including  grocery shopping and boring stuff like that

Etc, etc….. you get the point. looking over the list, it’s not all that overwhelming, but it just keeps us busy.
Like every.other.

Then I got to thinking about WHY we all seem to insist on staying busy, having every-last minute of our day full.

1) We choose to.

That’s it. That’s the only reason I could come up with. Well, besides the whole work thing.  None of us really have a choice to cut that out of our schedules! But every other thing on our list, or your list is a choice.

Soccer? We choose to shell out the money for our boys to play soccer every season. Because THEY like it.  I think that might be the easiest thing to scratch off our list! It takes up the most amount of time, it doesn’t benefit me directly. It kills our gas budget. It kills our overall budget, and it cuts into the boys homework time.  But the boys love it. They keep their grades up. It teaches them team skills useful in life. It keeps them active. It shows them that we care about them, and the things they like. And it’s fun.

Church?  Well yeah, that’ a choice, but not in this house.  We love the Lord, we love to go, and worship Him. We love to teach the boys, and the kids at church about Him. Jason and I both know a life without Him, and that’s not an option anymore!

Youth group? Same idea as church, but more fun.  🙂

School Events? We choose to send our kids to a school that has a few more concerts and events than the average school. We choose to drive our kids to a different town to go to that school. We choose to put our kids in a school, that we feel, is better quality than the one down the street.

Going back to college? Yeah, a total time sucker. More than I thought it might be? YEP, but still my choice!  I had the option to back out the first two weeks of school, AND get my money back, but I chose to stay in for the long haul!

Daily chores and such?  Yes, they are a choice, but I REALLY don’t want to be eligible for Hoarders!  And my family likes to eat… on clean dishes!


So yeah, I could take a few of these activities out of the line up and have a lot more  time on my hands. I also know that if we were to do that. We would start to get bored!

I’ll try to refrain from posting about how busy we are in the future. It really gets on my nerves!  Ha!






I was thinking about television shows of today.  Most of them suck pretty bad.  Then I started thinking about tv shows from my past.  I thought they were totally awesome.  I don’t know what my mom’s  opinion of them was as an adult, but she must have been ok with them because I remember her watching most, if not all, of these shows with us.

  • Growing Pains
  • Wonder Years ( I loved, and wanted to marry Fred Savage)
  • Small Wonder
  • Alf
  • Full House
  • Perfect Strangers
  • Roseanne
  • The Cosby Show
  • Home Improvement
  • Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  • Charles in Charge
  • The Nanny
  • Who’s the Boss
  • Friends (Ok, I was a little older, but I was still legally a child!)
  • Seinfeld (the finale song was my graduation song)

I am sure there were more, but those are the ones I can come up with now.  I feel sad, and disappointed because of all the shows that are on the air right now, The Middle on ABC, is the only show I let the boys watch. Everything else is totally lame, or completely inappropriate. I watch a few other shows, but not with the boys.  I’m just thankful for Netflix!

2011 Resolutions?

If I had a mantle, I would have to make a spot for my worst blogger ever award. I started this blog over 3 years ago with the thought that it would be the perfect way for me to journal what my little family has done over the years, and a way to put all my random and sometimes nonsensical thoughts and ideas in one place. You never know when you are going to need to use one of those ridiculous ideas! I haven’t been very good at keeping up with it though. SO my one little goal this year: blog more. Do I think I’ll do it?? Who knows, but I would like to say I tried.


When we  moved here we quickly realized we didn’t have as much kitchen storage as we had in the old house.  I guess we traded kitchen space for 300 sq ft more  all around.  Hmmm.  Well anyways we went to Walmart and bought this little cart.
It serves it’s purpose, but it’s rather plain, but I do my best. It matches our boring cabnets perfectly so no big deal.
Well we recently get rid of our computer desk because we no longer have a desktop computer. We also turned that room into Bam’s room. We still had the issue of our printer, scanner, modem, and all that other computer paraphernalia. It has been sitting a on book shelf in out bedroom looking a little weird.  Jason and I got to thinking that we need a little ‘station’ for all that stuff.  That little cart seemed like the best the choice. So after some measuring and price shopping we decided to get another cart.  But the really boring color might work for the kitchen, but it will not match the pretty theme I’m working on in the bedroom. My bed set  is a dark wood. So we got crafty!  We bought a second cart and Jason painted it black. I helped sand, but I mostly just watched. That’s what I’m best at.  100_3910

It has a little bit of the worn look and I like that. There was a drawer piece that was broken so we have to call that number to get a replacement piece, but you get the gist of it. We choose not to put the wheels on, but to put little gliders on instead.  We are so excited to how nice it looks, and so different!  I love it!


A Generation of Lies!

I’ve decided that time is not on my side after all.  The song lied. And it lied big time.   I was at work yesterday when I suddenly realized that January, the most despised month of all, is almost over!  Only 3 more days. I seriously have no idea how this happened. Really.  But the good news: that January only has 3 days left!  WhooHooo!  

Maybe the sun doesn’t like January either, because it’s been gone for a majority of the month.  But I’m counting on it being here everyday come February.  Or else.  3 days people!!!!

Guess what I had for dinner?

Spanish rice (from a box) made with garden fresh tomatoes.  I froze them this fall. I am definatly thanking God for fresh tomatoes. Yummy. Now if only I had a good recipe for spanish rice. Besides Rice-a-roni.










See, if you look REAL close, those are my tomatoes. And I ate them. Then I had some jello.  Also yummy.

Fine, I’ll do it….

It’s a Photo Meme. All the cool kids are doing it.

Here’s the rules:
If you want to play along, here are the rules:

1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder
3. Explain the picture
4. Tag 4 people to do the same. NO CHEATING! (no cropping, editing, etc…). If you want to play, join in the fun!



It’s my nephews 6th birthday party and I had the flash on. It did not need to be on.


This job that I currently have is the first ‘real’  job I’ve had since before I got pregnant with Fred.  I left a really bad job before I got pregnant, and once I got two beautiful pink lines I knew I would always be home with my baby.  Then Bamcame alone and it was the same.   We went without a lot and things were tight, but I honestly didn’t care.  The alternative was not an option.  I took little side jobs to help out, babysitting, cleaning the nursery toys at church, and even a try at nursery director.  All of these things could be done with my babies next to me where they needed to be.

Well my Bam started kindergarten this year and it is full days, Monday through Friday. He loves his school and loves full days so that makes me happy. But as the school year approached I knew I needed to find a job.  As the school year has past by in a shockingly fast pace, I still love my job.  I love being out of the house, I love kissing my babies as they head off to school and then seeing their cute little faces as they  step off that massive bus every afternoon.  I’m also enjoying a little pay check once a month, I won’t deny that! 

BUT…. as the busy days pass I realize how much time I had to do my job here at home while I was an at home mom.  Laundry, dishes, floors, bedding, baseboards….. my house in general!   I hate the feeling I get when I walk into my house after work and see a sink full of breakfast dishes and a washer full of wet clothes* needing to be put in the drier.  It makes my heart sink and and my whole day goes into a slump.  I feel so guilty when the weekend comes around and I spend most of my time cleaning a weeks worth of nasty house while all I really want to be doing is being lazy with my guys after a long week.  It has gotten a lot better since school first started and I had NO schedule at all. I didn’t know which way I was going most times. But it’s just not the same as being here. My house was my job for 9 years. I was good at it and I loved doing it.  I just don’t have that attitude anymore and that just stinks. I really have no idea what do do about any of this, but I have been told that the first year back to work is the hardest so I’m holding on to that thought with everything I have. It’s all I’ve got to go on right now. That and Christmas Break is getting closer and closer. And I’ve realized I really miss my boys. I am counting the days til we can pretend for a week or two that things never changed and I’m still an at home mom with my little ones close by for whenever they need something.  No cares or harsh schedules.  Just one day at a time.   With a clean house!


This too shall pass…… right?


*Just so you know my washer has a delay on it so I can have the load of wash finish right as I’m getting home…. I don’t have wet clothes sitting in my machine all day…. ewww!!

Just Wondering

I wonder how many other people are done with this years election.  I am usually fairly involved with the going on’s in politics and whatnot, but I feel like I’ve totally checked out of this race.  It feels like it’s been going on for years.  And well frankly, I don’t think I have anything (one) worth voting for.  It’s quite depressing until I remember that I plan on voting for a no fail write-in.


JESUS!   Who will vote for Jesus with me?  He can fix EVERYTHING that is wrong.