
I could REALLY go for one of these right now….

Since I don’t plan on going out and getting one right now, for multiple reasons, this will have to do.
1. It’s late
2. I don’t need one
3. I don’t want to spend the money
4. I’m to lazy to drive to Dairy Queen to go get one.

*Photo Credit

Window Treatments

This past fall I was looking for something new for our bedroom window.  It was pretty basic.  The ugly  curtains were from our old house, where the window was short and wide. Our new window is tall and skinny. The curtains barely  touched the bottom of the window. I put them up and just dealt with it for 3 years.  Why is it that the master bedroom is always last on the list of things to do?  Or is that just us?  Well anywhooo, after looking around for things I liked, and seeing very little, I finally found and idea!  It’s called a Box Valance.  One look at it and I knew I could make it myself.  For a lot less too. So I did.

First, a look at the awful curtains I looked at for three LONG years. (I forgot to take a before photo, so I put these back up straight after taking them out of the drier, hence they are terribly wrinkled, but it makes for a more dramatic before, yeah?)

Then I cut the boards to the size I wanted.  I was home alone, so there is no picture for that step, though that would have been mighty impressive.  I do need to note that if Jason came to me saying he needed a new saw, I would sing like an angel and hug him!!   I wanted a ‘fuller’ look to my valance, so I wrapped it in batting and stapled it to the back.

I then ironed the wrinkly, straight from the drier curtains, then I cut them up.  I was able to use one panel for the entire box. We really liked the color and the texture, and they don’t fit any of our windows in this house. So, instead of going out and spending money on cloth, I used what I had.  I did the same with the cloth as I did with the batting.

After all the cloth was attached, I assembled all three pieces.  This was, of course, after taking about a 3 hour break to go get the boys from school and to get dinner started.

At this point I sat for a bit and contemplated putting rope around the edge of the box.  I thought it would look pretty, but we aren’t really going for ‘pretty’ in the bedroom.  So after thinking about it, and eating dinner, I decided to skip the rope for now. If I change my mind it will be MUCH easier to add it later than to take it off.  I would have just hot glued it on, so it would have been a very simple step, if you ever want to do it.   I had to spakle and paint where the old rod had been.  Up until now I had done everything by myself, but at this point I needed two more hands. Jason and I attached the brackets and attached it to the wall.  If I had a wrench socket that fit the screw bit I was using, this step would have went a WHOLE lot faster. It was quite frustrating.   I had bought some curtain rings and cup hooks to hang a table-cloth I had bought last year for Christmas.  Again, I had it and it was the perfect size and color so why not use it?   The original curtain had a fairly large hem, so carefully cut it off and kept it for a tie.

And voila!!!  I’ve since lowered the tie down.  I thought it looked off.  And for those of you whose eyes are twitching because it’s off center, I fixed that too. This photo doesn’t show, but the new curtain goes to the floor. I should have taken a side view, and I’m to lazy to get up and do it right now so….   So there is one thing marked off the Master bedroom list of things to do. Now to find the right bedspread, and wall decor. Still.  Ugh.

He Has A Dream

Yesterday my Bam came running out of the school building when the bell rang. He was wearing a bright neon yellow crown with a red band around it. When he finally reached me, I read what it said.

“Dr. King had a dream. My dream is….that cats don’t do their business in our yard.”

He’s got mighty dreams!!! LOL

Better Late Than Never

On Dec 19, my wee little babe turned 8. He’s too big to rock, but he loves to sit in my lap. He’s too old to swaddle, but he never misses a chance to snuggle. He’s not an infant or toddler anymore, but he’ll always be my baby.

When asked what his 8 favorite things are they are:
1.  Playstation
2. His Kung Zhu
3. Little Big Planet (birthday gift, video game)
4. The computer
5. Mommy
6. Dad
7. Brother
8. Java

Happy birthday to the happiest boy I know.

Top 10 for 2010

In no particular order.

10: Bam Bam made it to the 1st grade spelling bee!

9: Fred turned 10 and Bam’s 8!!!
8: Soccer and Baseball

7. Gardening

6. Broken arm (not a favorite thing, just major)

5. Visits with cousins

4. The Fair

3. Back to school

2. Boys Camp and Youth Games

1. My precious Family… with a new baby niece

So so so much more happened this year, but these are some of the favorite highlights.

2011 Resolutions?

If I had a mantle, I would have to make a spot for my worst blogger ever award. I started this blog over 3 years ago with the thought that it would be the perfect way for me to journal what my little family has done over the years, and a way to put all my random and sometimes nonsensical thoughts and ideas in one place. You never know when you are going to need to use one of those ridiculous ideas! I haven’t been very good at keeping up with it though. SO my one little goal this year: blog more. Do I think I’ll do it?? Who knows, but I would like to say I tried.