
Spring has been keeping us busy once again.  I love spring.   It always has something happening.


We are redoing our back yard and garden.  We built some garden boxes for our veggies, though I’ll probably throw some flowers in there too.  So far I have potatoes planted. I have tomatoes and peppers started in the house.  I had some lettuce, but I think some little fingers were involved in trying to make them stand up straight, and now I have no more lettuce.  Poor little lettuces.   We are also replanting our grass.  It was sad looking and we needed to do some serious rock removal. That’s what’s in the white bucket. The rest are all piled on the side of the yard.  I have no explanation for the flower pot.  I put it away after I took some pictures.  Please ignore it.  That’s what I’m trying to do, but I’m failing. 


Java had his 11 year birthday. We didn’t get him his traditional pig’s ear or raw hide this year. Why? Because he’s 11 and his digestive track is too. Yuck. He got his daily milk bone instead. He’s so spoiled!


Then my poor little Bam got a tummy bug. He got to stay home the next day, but he didn’t get to enjoy it as he was still feeling icky until late afternoon. For some reason when any of the three boys in my house get sick they always sleep on the bathroom floor. Please ignore it. That’s what I’m trying to do, but I’m failing. 


Jason took the boys camping, but he forgot to take the camera that I put right next to his pile of gear.  Luckily Fred remembered to take his little disposable camera. He has a few pictures left before we can take it into to get developed.  I hear they had a great time, and they are already planning for the next trip. I am so glad they had so much fun, but I was ridiculously lonely. But they had so much fun, I’ll let them go and keep my mouth closed. 

All these plus the normal spring business has been keeping us, well, busy!  I really do love spring.

Google meme

Instructions: Google your name plus “is” in quotation marks. Copy the first five matches in which sentences containing “XXX is ….” And add them to your blog.
1. Jackie is introduced in the pilot episode primarily as Michael Kelso’s girlfriend.  (I liked that show)
2. Jackie is cool.   (True story)
3. Jackie is a beautiful and loving girl who enjoys dancing.   (I like dancing, but not good at it!!!)
4. Jackie is MADE into a Talent Show Star info on MTV.  (Huuuhhh??)
5. Jackie’s is dedicated to teaching children beginning with three years of age.   (Dedicated?  No.)

Easter 2009

This year Easter was a little different.  Well it was a lot different. First of all we were at my parents house instead of here at home. It was the first Easter we spent somewhere else.  Saturday after the boys soccer game we headed out.  We got to my hometown just in time for my nieces birthday party. She turned 3 on tax day. That was my grandmother’s birthday too. She had a funny joke about that.  It was a fine birthday party and like any good auntie, I forgot to take pictures. I have no idea how this happened, other than after 2 hours of soccer and another 2 hours of driving, my brain was mush.  This sounds like a good enough excuse to use.

Then Easter morning we went to church service with my sister.  We are Protestant, my sister is Catholic.  It was quite different, and it started VERY early. So no family picture this year on Easter morning. I will have to take one some other morning…. we’ll pretend that it’s Easter! 10 years from now, no one will ever know the true story. Except for you because I just told you.  After the service my sister’s friends invited us over for breakfast. It was a very nice visit, with great conversation plus homemade waffles and strawberries while listening to the boys laughing and playing with the cousins equals singing in my heart. We got back to Nana and Papa’s house and the daddies went and hid the eggs.



We got some funny pictures of the cousins, some were happy, some crying,  and some just not paying attention.

After evaluating their loot we took the boys over to Shoshone Falls.  I grew up with the falls being right there and being able to go see them whenever, but my boys have never seen them! This is an absolute tragedy to me. The falls do not fall all year round. This is because there is a dam upstream that holds the water all winter, then they let it go when they know they have enough for all the irrigating for the summer. Easter weekend was the first weekend that the falls were flowing. It was busy but as usual it was beautiful. Breathtaking beautiful, even though I have seen it a million times. Perhaps even more so because I was seeing it with my kids for the first time.


It still brings tears to my eyes. Is is even possible to look at this magnificent falls and NOT see the power and awe of The Lord? Look he even puts a rainbow in it!  What a beautiful Easter treat to us! He has risen indeed!!



I can not wait until we get Fred’s little disposable camera to see it through his eyes. They loved it.

After the falls we headed over to my brother’s house for some a yummy Easter dinner. My bother had smoked a turkey and it was delish!  YUM! Then before we headed back home to get those boys in bed for school the next day we headed over to the park by his house to let the kids run around. My children climbed trees instead. Of course.



That was our 2009 Easter.  A little different than our traditional Easter but one that I will treasure forever!

Good Friday

I cannot put any words together to truly express my gratitude towards my Saviour, Jesus. But this song did it for me. Please read each and every word and remember that all he did and went through was for you. Bless His name!

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all,
I surrender all.
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory to His name!

New Clock

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I had went shopping, and then promised to post pictures. I am just now getting around to coming through with that promise.  I  went to a local decor store that is only open one day a week.  I have been to this store quite a few times, but this is the first time I have actually walked away with anything. I’m a VERY picky shopper. If  I don’t absolutely love something, I will not buy it.  It drives Jason insane, but he understands. He doesn’t like to look at something he only kind of likes either. We also don’t like knowing we spent precious money on a ‘kind of like’.   So, when I saw this clock and I fell in love, I knew I needed to purchase it. Immediately. SO I did and I got the last one of the day!!  Hooray!   It was exactly what I was looking for for this space.  The space above my cupboards in my kitchen.



I still don’t know what I want for the other wall. It may be 4 years before I ever find what I want.  I’m sure I can wait.