Update from the Scale

The evil, evil scale! Actually it’s not that evil, as long as I’m doing what I need to do.  I don’t always do that.

As of today I am down a total of 17.5 pounds since January 5th. I couldn’t be happier about that! Well I guess I would be happier if it were 18, or 23, or 30 pounds, but for now, today, I’m celebrating this great big 17.5!  2.5 more pounds and I get to treat myself to something. At first I was going to get my nails done, but now I’m kinda leaning towards a workout mat.

At 10 pounds I got myself these sweet pants:

C9 by Champion® Womens Mesh Athletic Pants - Assorted Colors.Opens in a new window


I love the blue strip down the side, and they are so comfy! I have to roll the waste down on them because they are to big. Good thing they are drawstring!


So what should it be, mani/pedi or a workout mat. Or something else?

Pin of the Week- 2

This weeks pin is a little late because I was out of town holding a brand-stinkin’-new baby!!! I just loved every second of it!

I’m really focusing on getting healthy right now, so this quote really struck a cord with me.  I keep coming to the conclusion that # 2 is more my downfall.  How about you?

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Pin of the Week -1

I, like most people, probably spend more time with Pinterest than they do their families.  (That may, or may not be a bit of an exaggeration.)     So, I would like to share with you my favorite pin this week.

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In honor of the New Year, and the adorable little stick figures, go work out!

*Disclaimer: All my push-ups are done on my knees because I’m extremely wimpy.

Their Just…… Boys

I love how my boys love the outdoors. They are so active and their imaginations are perfectly wild! We went down to my sisters for Thanksgiving, and all they wanted to do was be outside.  I honestly have stopped telling them to not climb. It is a waste of my precious time and breath.  I’m sure this annoys other people to death.  Actually, I’m positive it does.  After dinner we took a short walk to the river, you know, to make room for dessert!  The boys were so happy. They could have skipped dessert if it meant staying there a little longer.  Running, jumping, climbing, exploring, inventing new characters to be. They just love it there. The English language doesn’t have the words fully express how much they enjoy their time outside…. especially when water in involved!  If they are anything like their father this love will follow them into adulthood.  I love to be out there too, but at the end of the day, I’m ready to return to my house and relax.  Not those three. They could pitch a tent and live happily ever after, out in the outdoors. It makes my heart happy to see them in their ‘natural habitat’.


This job that I currently have is the first ‘real’  job I’ve had since before I got pregnant with Fred.  I left a really bad job before I got pregnant, and once I got two beautiful pink lines I knew I would always be home with my baby.  Then Bamcame alone and it was the same.   We went without a lot and things were tight, but I honestly didn’t care.  The alternative was not an option.  I took little side jobs to help out, babysitting, cleaning the nursery toys at church, and even a try at nursery director.  All of these things could be done with my babies next to me where they needed to be.

Well my Bam started kindergarten this year and it is full days, Monday through Friday. He loves his school and loves full days so that makes me happy. But as the school year approached I knew I needed to find a job.  As the school year has past by in a shockingly fast pace, I still love my job.  I love being out of the house, I love kissing my babies as they head off to school and then seeing their cute little faces as they  step off that massive bus every afternoon.  I’m also enjoying a little pay check once a month, I won’t deny that! 

BUT…. as the busy days pass I realize how much time I had to do my job here at home while I was an at home mom.  Laundry, dishes, floors, bedding, baseboards….. my house in general!   I hate the feeling I get when I walk into my house after work and see a sink full of breakfast dishes and a washer full of wet clothes* needing to be put in the drier.  It makes my heart sink and and my whole day goes into a slump.  I feel so guilty when the weekend comes around and I spend most of my time cleaning a weeks worth of nasty house while all I really want to be doing is being lazy with my guys after a long week.  It has gotten a lot better since school first started and I had NO schedule at all. I didn’t know which way I was going most times. But it’s just not the same as being here. My house was my job for 9 years. I was good at it and I loved doing it.  I just don’t have that attitude anymore and that just stinks. I really have no idea what do do about any of this, but I have been told that the first year back to work is the hardest so I’m holding on to that thought with everything I have. It’s all I’ve got to go on right now. That and Christmas Break is getting closer and closer. And I’ve realized I really miss my boys. I am counting the days til we can pretend for a week or two that things never changed and I’m still an at home mom with my little ones close by for whenever they need something.  No cares or harsh schedules.  Just one day at a time.   With a clean house!


This too shall pass…… right?


*Just so you know my washer has a delay on it so I can have the load of wash finish right as I’m getting home…. I don’t have wet clothes sitting in my machine all day…. ewww!!


I know I don’t typically blog about political things, but I need to get this out, SOOO if you disagree, hit the back button on your computer.

I’ve been getting a few Facebook requests to join ‘End Homophobia Now’ and ‘1,000,000 Against Homophobia’. There are others about how horrible Prop 8 is and the list goes on.  But my issue is with the first two I mentioned. I have been called a homophobic many times before and it gets on my nerves more than anything else.  First I just want to point out what my good friend Webster has to say:

pho·bia  \ˈfō-bē-ə\ noun Etymology: -phobia : an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

Did you catch that key word in there, FEAR.  That is what phobia means people. So to be a homophobic, I would in turn have to be fearful of homosexuals. Evidently in our society there is no distinction between fear and opposition.  Can I just say standing up for your morals and not agreeing with the act of homosexuality is not a fear issue.  I am so tired of people throwing around words and accusations to try to scare others into agreeing with them.  It takes a lot more guts to stand strong in what is right than to bow down before a weak and wicked bandwagon.  My rewards aren’t here on Earth with people I need to please or impress for today. It’s much bigger than that.

Day at the Zoo

A few weekends ago the boys and I had a four day weekend. Actually the whole state did, as it was a state in-service day. Can I just tell you how much I love state in service days?  A lot!  I love having my kids home with me with no responsibility at all.  The school my boys go to are very hands on in their teaching techniques. They have what they call focused investigations, and the kids really dig in and learn without even knowing it.  As a visual person this thrills me to no end.  I’m sure other schools do this to, but my kids don’t go there, so whatever. Our focused investigation right now is about animals. The E is learning all of his letters based on animals, nursery rhymes about animals, name tags with animals…. stuff like that. But G is a little more in depth. He had to write his first report this year about a beaver. He had to find out the generic basics, where do they live, what do they eat, are they mammals?  He drew pictures and made a poster and then wrote out a report, careful not to make it look like it was copied. He was very concerned about that.  I love how a simple report on a beaver opened him up to so many questions that I had no answer to. I can’t remember how many times I had to tell him we’d have to look that up on the internet. Most questions were answered, but some were forgotten by the time we got on the computer that day.  They are both so excited about animals right now.  So on our little vacation from school we decided to go to the Zoo. So did everyone else in Idaho. That place was packed!  But to be fair, it was discount day! Now our little zoo doesn’t have much, but we are so lucky to have what we do here. I’m so grateful for that. And as busy as it was, once you get in and start moving around, you’d never know. We never had to wait or got smooshed at any exhibit.


When the boys were littler and we went to the zoo, I always came home with 14 kamillion pictures of the same 15 animals. The boys were always in the stroller or off eating some strange dirt clump. Their interest never stayed on the animal for very long. If we stayed at the zoo for more than an hour it was because they were playing on the park toys. Not really what I paid all that money for, but oh well, they always seemed to have had fun. This was a completely different experience for me!  This was the first time in about 8 years that I did not take a stroller to the zoo…. I don’t even own a stroller!  I love not owning a stroller. It rocks my world.

Every exhibit was greeted with so much excitement that you’d think this it was the first one that they had ever seen. We read the info facts about all the animals, with what they eat in the wild being a favorite.  I tried to ask a new question at each new animal to see if they could find the answer themselves.  Some of the questions were serious, where in the world do they live?, and some were silly, can you see any poop? Because when it comes to boys, it’s all about the poop.

The penguins are always a big hit. In the past they watched the little birds swim around for a few minutes and then they were ready to move on. This time we watched them for a little longer than usual, but then we spent the same amount of time playing with the life size models outside. They chose their favorite, but if you asked them they wouldn’t have a name, but that his beak was curved and none of the others were, so they needed to pick him!

We learned how a pearl was made, and The E decided that he was my pearl. I agreed.

The G decided that life at a turtles pace must be wonderful. An added bonus, turtles don’t have to go to school ever.  I might love their school, but even though I do, he is still a normal boy who would rather play all day than sit in a school building!

We had never ventured into the education building at the zoo before.  I had always assumed it was offices. I noticed a lot of people coming in and out of the building, so I figured what the heck, we’d go stick our head in to see what was inside. It was about time after 8 years of going to the zoo!  We had been missing out! Lots of costumes, toys and games. G loved the bat costume, they even had a bat exhibit. It was his idea for the upside down photo. Isn’t he clever!

The E was a raccoon and he was trying to shake his tail. I had to sit and watch as they tried on every-single-costume.  Then act out the animal. It was actually very fun and funny. They have such awesome imaginations!   We spent over two hours at the zoo!  I couldn’t believe it. And no one had cried or peed their pants the whole afternoon!  I call that a success!  Even if we are a bit past that stage anyways.  I even survived the costumes, and the fear that one of them would get lice from wearing them all!  It WAS a success!!!!

After a little stroll on the greenbelt and some ‘plays’ and a ‘concert’ on the band shell, we stopped at the rose garden. I promised great things that I had no intentions of fulfilling if they would behave long enough for me to wander aimlessly though one on my favorite places on earth.  It had rained on the drive to the zoo and some of the flowers still had water in them. Beauty at it best. You can’t really see the rain drop in the picture, though.

It was a great day that was topped off by meeting Jason at Panda Express for dinner. As we pulled into the parking lot to the restaurant it started to rain again.  I am so happy that the weather held off for us to have a nice relaxing day at the zoo.  I often think about all the memories that we ‘need’ to make for our kids. That day I realized sometimes we need to make memories for ourselves. My kids my forget this day happened in the coming months or years, but I feel that God gave that day to me to store in my personal ‘home video collection’.  Every time my boys enter a new stage in life I’m always certain that the current stage is my absolute favorite stage so far. This stage is no different. I love their stages separately, but I also love how the boys ages work together to create a third stage. It’s amazing to think I get to be a part of it. I love all the days past, and I love living in the present, but the future is going to be well worth the wait, I can tell.


And even though I didn’t take a lot of animal pictures this time, I did have to sneak a meerkat photo in, that are to adorable to pass up!!!  They are my favorite!

Just Wondering

I wonder how many other people are done with this years election.  I am usually fairly involved with the going on’s in politics and whatnot, but I feel like I’ve totally checked out of this race.  It feels like it’s been going on for years.  And well frankly, I don’t think I have anything (one) worth voting for.  It’s quite depressing until I remember that I plan on voting for a no fail write-in.


JESUS!   Who will vote for Jesus with me?  He can fix EVERYTHING that is wrong.