Welcome to the Preteens

Last week my oldest turned 11.
Depending on the day I would tell you this hardly seems possible, but other days. Yeah. It does.  This boy who has always been even tempered and happy, has hit a certain stumbling block in his life.  He’s hit puberty!! Most of the time he’s still even tempered and happy, but when the pendulum swings, watch out! I know it’s a phase he has to go through, we all do, but watching it from a mother’s point of view is so much more different than I ever imagined. I guess if I think about it, I never thought about what this phase of my children’s lives would be like!  I just pray that I can be the mom he needs to help him though this time when he doesn’t know how he feels, and he doesn’t know why he doesn’t know!   I look forward to this coming year with him and all the mood swings that are sure to come, because before I know it, it’ll be over.

In honor of 11 years of life, I asked Fred what his top 11 favorite things are:

  1. Video Games
  2. Soccer
  3. Pizza
  4. Cake
  5. Baseball
  6. Bike
  7. New DS
  8. Brother
  9. Airplanes
  10. Mom
  11. Dad

Ahhh, we made it. Again.

Another school year is under our belts! This year was a little different, as the last day of school was also Fred’s birthday. Planning Fred’s birthday has always been difficult, with it landing on Memorial weekend, but paired with the last day of school made it a little more challenging, but we pulled it off.
The last day of school is always Field Day, which is usually over by noon. It has been our tradition to take off after that and go out to lunch, just the 3 of us. We changed things up a little this year. Jason surprised Fred by taking us all out to breakfast before school, only the boys got up and ate breakfast before Jason could announce his plans! The boys shared a cinnamon roll instead of getting breakfast.
Off to school, field day was a blast, as always. This year I wasn’t tied down to one circuit, so I was able to move around with the boys. I mostly stuck with Bam, since I’ve never been able to do that with him, and Fred thinks he’s too cool for school. I got a few good pictures of both of them though.

After field day , one of Fred’s friends got permission to leave school early with us. We had a fun lunch at Golden Corral, and then headed to the Rec Center to wait for Fred’s other friend before they swam the afternoon away. It was a pretty low key birthday, but they had a lot of fun. It was a very busy, busy day, but it was oh, so fun! 
*You can click on the collages to make them larger*

The End.

Busy Weekend

I know that’s a pretty boring title, but I’m to tired to think of anything more creative. I’m also kicking myself for being in such a rush that I forgot my camera for most of it!

Saturday Fred had a soccer tournament in Boise, two game, spaced just far enough apart that there was no time to even leave the park. Not that that mattered to me, Bam had a baseball open season parade, pictures, and a game here in town. Naturally that was the same time as the soccer tournament. Bam and I would have had time to make it for Fred’s second game, but I was helping host a bridal shower at the church. It turned out really nice. By the time we all got home Saturday we were exhausted! I took the camera with me to Bam’s game but I left it in the car during the shower. I was really hoping to get a picture of the table I decorated. I remembered after the shower began!

Sunday, we had to skip church for the final game of the soccer tournament. They didn’t do so well, so I guess it’s ok that I left the camera next to the computer. At home. A county away from the game. I’m lame, I know.   After the terrible game that was played we headed up to Horseshoe Bend to have lunch at one of the best burger places in the world.  Kit’s Riverside Restaurant.  We should have sat outside, but it was a teensy tiny bit windy, and you never know when that could turn int lots and lots of windy.  Since I didn’t have my camera to prove it, you’ll have to believe me when I tell you that the scene out the window was beautiful. The river was high, the sun was shining, and the wind wasn’t blowing. When we got home I got my garden planted. I’m pretty late this year, but with busy weekends like this, it’s hard!  The boys went to the park to play basketball and Jason and I were finally sitting a relaxing, when a BIRD flew through the open screen door!  I think the boys might have left it open. It flew right in! It took about 5 minutes to get it go back outside. The poor thing was so scared. It landed a few times and you could see it breathing hard and shaking.  It was sad, but I’m glad it’s gone, and that it didn’t leave any evidence that it was here! Yuck!

This coming week is the last week of school, so the busy is almost over!


What should I do on a Sunday when it looks like this outside:

It would be a perfect time to get a few chores done. How about some laundry?

Or I could clean up that messy kitchen?

OR I could just sit on the couch with the boys and waste my day away on the computer?

Anything Goes Link Party?????  Yes please!!!   Hours of wasted time quality time spent snuggling with my boys. At least that’s what I’m gonna tell myself.


I was thinking about television shows of today.  Most of them suck pretty bad.  Then I started thinking about tv shows from my past.  I thought they were totally awesome.  I don’t know what my mom’s  opinion of them was as an adult, but she must have been ok with them because I remember her watching most, if not all, of these shows with us.

  • Growing Pains
  • Wonder Years ( I loved, and wanted to marry Fred Savage)
  • Small Wonder
  • Alf
  • Full House
  • Perfect Strangers
  • Roseanne
  • The Cosby Show
  • Home Improvement
  • Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  • Charles in Charge
  • The Nanny
  • Who’s the Boss
  • Friends (Ok, I was a little older, but I was still legally a child!)
  • Seinfeld (the finale song was my graduation song)

I am sure there were more, but those are the ones I can come up with now.  I feel sad, and disappointed because of all the shows that are on the air right now, The Middle on ABC, is the only show I let the boys watch. Everything else is totally lame, or completely inappropriate. I watch a few other shows, but not with the boys.  I’m just thankful for Netflix!

Week Ending

Saturday: Started with a slow lazy morning.

Got to witness a motorcycle parade on our way to Lucky Peak.

Saw the Rooster Tail from the backside. Never done that before.

Lunch at the Tolley House and a walk on the Greenbelt.  It was a beautiful day.

Sunday: Woke for church and a surprise slipped under my door. Bam made me a shrink-a-dink necklace of Biscuit the Dog, because he’s my favorite, I’ve been told!

BBQ beef sandwiches and fresh pineapple for Mother’s Day Dinner.
And a yummy Starbucks treat just for me! 

Relaxing, lazy day at home with the two boys that make me so happy I get to celebrate this day!

No Photos

Ahhh, it was nice to take a break after the photo challenge.  It was only a break from blogging, as I’ve still been pretty go, go, go!

A quick list of what I’ve been up to, since I know everyone is on the edge of their seats wanting to know!

  • Easter at home with Jason’s family
  • Caught up on all my blog reading
  • Forgot to take family Easter pictures
  • Helped with a bridal shower for a very beautiful young lady I know
  • Slept instead of losing sleep, watching someone I didn’t know get married
  • Googled a wedding dress of someone I didn’t know (soooo so pretty!)
  • Baseball started for Bam
  • Spent past weekend with out Jason, he went camping with his brother
  • Cried at a gas pump
  • Went to bed early
  • Enjoyed the lovely weather we’ve been having

All in all, for this time of the year it’s been pretty calm. I think most of our busy-ness will start this coming week.  Hopefully I’ll have time to pop in here, and remember to take my camera along!