Another Long Break

As you can tell, I’ve been absent from my blogging for about 2 months. Soccer got over, and school was ending.  We’ve been enjoying a summer without any schedule. It’s been fantastic. And the difference with this blogging hiatus… I didn’t feel one ounce of guilt. Ahhh! It was great.  I just excepted that I’m not feeling up to it. 

But in the last week, I’ve been wanting to get back to it, but I knew I needed to make a plan. You see, I’m not a natural journal-er. (<–I made up that word)  When I was younger my mom got me a diary, and I wrote in it faithfully… for like a month. I threw it away when I got married, because it made me cringe to read it. When Fred was born I decided I really needed to track our days.  I honestly don’t remember even starting. I was terrible at keeping up with the baby books, so they’re lucky to have what they do have! So I’m not to surprised by the waves of blogging I do. So maybe a plan is just what I need.  So I made one to try out. I’m not promising anything, but just play along. Okay.

I think just a weekly update, some do a Friday Flashback, or a Weekend Review.  I think that’s a nice stress-free way to go.  Also I am wanting to try something new. There are a few Pinterest Review pages out there, and I love them. So I decided I want to try at least one Pinterest idea a week, and I’ll post my opinion about it. I’m sure everyone needs, and wants to hear my opinions. So there you have it, my new blogging plan.  Any bets on how long I can keep it up???